As I reread the text I honestly noticed so many more details that I happened to miss before. When I first read the passage I was negative and didn’t like the approach on how art doesn’t matter when it comes to world suffering. Art or music cant physically help end the worlds suffering but I believe that when people listen or look at such pieces of art or music that people can feel all type of different emotions. People can feel relief or encouragement or even anger by a piece that it forces them to do something to help other people or themselves. Art and music can touch people in ways nobody thinks until it finally reaches them spiritually. I also looked into the part in the text where when people are privileged they tend to not see the big picture. If you have the money and the ability to give to others who are suffering then people should do that. Now no ones saying that YOU have to give away if you have money or if your privileged, but compared to the people who can not give away it would be nice if they actually gave what they can. When it came to “decoding the text” I think my understanding of the whole entire concept of the text was widened. I understand now more than ever that art and music can affect peoples lives like nothing else. As for annotating the text again, that was kind of difficult for me because I thought I had broken down every last piece of the text and it took me awhile to actually find other parts to comment on or highlight ;however when I did reannotate I got a better understanding of how some words are used because when I first annotated I circled a multitude of words I didn’t know and looked up their definitions. as I reread the sentences that these words were in it began to make sense. Anybody can make a difference on the Earth, anybody can provide assistance and kindness to people in need.
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